Andrew Lynn

Hi, I’m Andrew

I am from the UK but now live in Spain with my wife and 3 young children. Over the last 20 years I’ve run successful businesses in multiple sectors, played professional golf and travelled the world. I’ve also overcome depression, anxiety and addiction from past trauma and created a life that I'm grateful for every day.

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In my 20’s I had a successful business in Mayfair, owned multiple properties in central London and took 2 months off work a year to travel the world. From the outside my life looked great, but in reality I was deeply unhappy and far away from my true path.

The trauma from my childhood continued to affect every area of my life on a daily basis through my education, my work, my relationships and my health as I created a life built around managing my fear of rejection and escaping the feelings by taking drugs or getting drunk every day.  

A recipe for an unhealthy and unhappy life on the whole.

This went on until my early 30’s when I had various health complications, suffered from anxiety attacks and was diagnosed with depression and prescribed antidepressants.

The last decade has been a journey of healing and growing and I’m happy to be able to say I'm out on the other side. But I could have never done it without the right tools and support from others.

Through this process I have also found my purpose and qualified as a Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist and Energy Healer, finally confident and vulnerable enough to express my true self to the world and pursue my passions and life purpose. 

If my story resonates with you and you want to talk, please reach out. There is a different way and I’d be honoured to be your guide on the path.

Andrew Lynn


Professional Qualifications and Personal Development

Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist - Arizona Trauma Institute

Depression Counselling Diploma - Advanced - Accredited - International Association of Therapists (IAOTH)

Psychotherapy - Introduction - Accredited - International Association of Therapists (IAOTH)

Psychology and Therapy for Addictions - Accredited - International Association of Therapists (IAOTH)

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