Andew and his work changed my life for the better...10000x better. Before this work, I was short tempered and impatient, always worried about the future and money, not present in the moment.
I really want to thank you for your work with me - it has been life-changing. Presence at home and authenticity at work have both been great.
I am know not only lighter having unloaded much of this weight but I’ve also gained a deep self awareness of my shadow and the fear’s and trauma’s that I carry from childhood
The connections with my wife and my children are more powerful, more meaningful.
Through using his process I have moved from a depressed and anxious person, constantly being triggered, to a person who feels real love.
My anxiety and depression are gone (amazing feeling!) as well as the self- soothing behaviours that no longer serve me, this in such a short amount of time too
After 90 days with Andrew all of these traits had either disappeared or were much softer… that IS life changing!
Sometimes it's in a moment of despair that we find a solution... and so I'm very grateful that I finally made contact with Andrew.
I’m now a different person - pain free, guilt free and I even discussed the trauma from my childhood with my father
I now look forward more clearly each day to a future of fulfilment, happiness and purpose.
Through talk therapy and meditation Andrew managed get me back to my old self.
I learned to understand my past, and appreciate who I really am, and put things in perspective.
Today I am free, I am the peace I always seeked. I was never lost or incomplete, I just had to re discover who I truly am.
Andrew helped me deal with - changing religious beliefs, setting boundaries, difficult family relationships, a healthy marriage, career options, loving oneself, and identifying your true purpose.
This man is a gift from god in helping to heal trauma. I had 12 sessions with him and he changed my world
"If you are looking to make some profound changes, reconnect to your essence and process long standing emotional blocks I'd highly recommend working with him"
I was consciously aware that I was self sabotaging, but I didn't have the tools to stop this constant loop.
I just felt empty and lost.....
This course has encouraged me to step away from the learned behaviors of the past.
All the small things that used to matter to me, don’t anymore