I really want to thank you for your work with me - it has been life-changing. Presence at home and authenticity at work have both been great.
First, I really want to thank you for your work with me - it has been life-changing and there have been multiple times where I've just commented to my wife, "can you believe where we are now from where we were 2 years ago?" I've continued journaling and reading and have been doing some meditation as well.
Presence at home and authenticity at work have both been great. With work, I've been very up front and honest about what I need and where I want to focus my time and energy, and my goals for advancing further at the firm, and that was all very well-received. I also took on a role where I am mentoring younger lawyers and that has been going well too.
At home, things have been awesome with my wife and with the kids. With the kids, I'm noticing when I'm dysregulated i’m able to identify my feelings and work through them and release them even in the midst of stress, and when I do lose my temper, just acknowledging their feelings and repairing with them. I feel like my relationship with my son in particular has improved a ton. Something that you and I had talked about toward the end of our time was some of the negative energy and inner-child stuff that I was bringing into sex. Our work in that area has improved things tremendously. Also, one of the things that we often talked about but that I was struggling to do was exercise. I haven't found a soccer team, but I happened to find some dads in my area who wake up super early and work out at local parks (bootcamp style workouts, rucking, running). It's been great for both feeling good in my body and in having meaningful friendships.
I really have appreciated the work we did and I'm so thankful for it.
David Stone. USA