This course has encouraged me to step away from the learned behaviors of the past.
“On this course, you will learn about the chakras - about the energy centres that are located throughout the body, where energy from the universe enters and is stored. You will be given the tools to improve your health and well-being by taking the time to rest your mind and balance your physical health.
This course has encouraged me to do the work on myself, to look within for the answers and to step away from the learned behaviours of the past. Happiness and peace is within me and speaking from a place of truth and honesty - whilst sometimes the more difficult option - has improved my relationships.
I would recommend this course to anyone / everyone but especially to those who are stuck in an energy rut, to empaths who don’t know when to say enough is enough, to those who have become cynical about life and its ability to turn around and become fresh again and to those who want to elevate their meditation and yoga practices.
I found Andrew’s delivery of energy healing both fresh and informative - it soon became clear distance healing would not be a barrier. I wondered if some topics would be difficult to discuss but his approach was professional and pragmatic which made for a relaxing and safe atmosphere. Follow-up and aftercare sessions were very helpful as our discussions brought up many interesting topics.
I believe that we continue to learn throughout our lives and it is valuable to relearn and revisit. This course has helped me to do just that - I may go back and do it again!”
Pauline Pearce - Liverpool - UK