How do events or experiences in childhood affect us as adults?
Initially, most of my clients don’t think they have ‘trauma’ from their childhood (I know what you are thinking!) but trauma is not just caused by extreme events or experiences but can also come from any event that we couldn’t process or caused us to change our natural course, the most common sorts of trauma I see are.
Emotional Trauma - Our needs not being met as children meaning we have to create strategies and tactics to get the love and safety we require.
Generational Trauma - The unconscious patterns and rules passed down through the generations that everyone learns to perform under to find acceptance and love in the family.
Social Trauma - The Education system where we all get labeled as either good or bad, hard-working or lazy, smart or stupid.
Cultural Trauma - What rules did we learn growing up about what it means to be a Man or a Woman in our cultures.
All of these Traumatic events and environments have both Physical, Psychological and Emotional side effects.
The physical side effects of trauma create anxiety and the psychological and emotional side effects create depression.
Both are temporary states and NOT illnesses. In fact, you have responded exactly how you should do to your external experiences.
By healing the Physical, Psychological and Emotional symptoms of trauma you are able to feel safe, love yourself and live a life of purpose.
Did you experience events in your past that you feel are affecting your life now?